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Finding myself through serving others

In my Evolution of nursing class (NURS 212), we learned many concepts and theories that makes the nursing profession what it is today. One specific theorist that we learned about was Virginia Henderson (Artifact one), who is most well known for her definition of nursing. “The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will, or knowledge (Virginia Henderson).” The notion of this theory is patient independence. In my future career as a Nurse, I will serve my patient in helping them adjust, as needed, to a new lifestyle, assisting them in finding their independence. My ultimate goal is to be a nurse that brings about the most happiness I can.

The doctrine of utilitarianism (Artifact 2), which I learned in my philosophy class (PHIL 213), can be interpreted as the moral decision is the one that brings about maximum happiness. Jeremy Bentham is the founder of modern utilitarianism. Within this theory one person’s happiness may be sacrificed so that the most amount of people can be happy. In the process of becoming a nurse, I have had to sacrifice time with my family and friends, and sleep, to study.  We, as nursing students, do not only study for test, we study for the day in which someone’s life will be in our hands. Therefore, I view the sacrifices I am making now cannot compare to the happiness I will receive when I am serving others as a nurse.

Serving others is not only just a part of my future career as a nurse but also a part of research. In our current research study, the SMART study, we are studying health indicators, through a person’s physical activity and body composition, in hopes of identifying a health concern before it becomes exacerbated. Through research we can show how a person’s physical activity, or lack of, is affecting them physiologically in hopes that this will increase their desire towards a healthier life style. We can also research how a person’s environment affects their health, such as availability of healthy foods. Then we look at what we can do to improve this situation, through more research. I am also doing a separate, more focused, study on my own in which I am looking at how the lack of Physical activity affects the likelihood of depression. Artifact 3 is the surveys that the participants complete. I hope to use the results of this study to promote physically activity within my community.

The basis of Christianity, which is my personal belief, is to love others as Jesus does. If you consider the five love languages, by Gray Chapman, the way people show love is through gifts, acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation and physical touch. My personal love language is acts of service, therefore, the best way I could love others like Jesus, is to serve others. Jesus, himself was a servant-leader. “The servant-leader is servant first…It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead (Robert K. Greenleaf).” Service is comprised of humility and respect for others, which is at the foundation of nursing. In an essay I wrote for my nursing evolution class (artifact 4) I explain how serving others is the reason I choose to become a nurse. Pursuing my degree in nursing has empowered me to become comfortable in who I am and what I am willing to sacrifice, because I have found who I was designed to be, a servant-leader.

Within the classroom 

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Artifact 4:

Artifact 2:


Artifact 1:


Beyond the classroom

Artifact 3

I, personally, only created the demographic survey, yet I chose to incorporate the other two. 

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